Auto Window Tinting Services

Advanced Window Tinting offers unmatched automotive window tinting for your personal cars, work trucks/vans, and more.

With decades of experience, our skilled technicians use cutting-edge techniques and high-quality window films to provide optimal protection against harmful UV rays, reduce glare, and maintain a cooler interior, all while elevating the aesthetics and privacy of your vehicle.

Learn More About Our LLumar Window Tint Options



What to expect for your window tinting appointment in Chico:

  • Upon arriving you’ll be greeted by one of our friendly window tint experts. Our inviting lobby serves as not only a comfortable waiting area but also an education center on window tinting options. Choose exactly what you would like done to your vehicle for complete satisfaction.

  • Once you are 100% satisfied with your window tint choices, we will pull your vehicle into our tidy work bay. You’re welcome to wait in the lobby or run some errands while our advanced window tinters get to work. (Please note that it may take a few hours to complete your particular window tint request. You will be given a time estimate before the work begins)

  • You’ll be notified when your vehicle is finished. Now’s the time to enjoy your new window tint!

For a personalized quote or to obtain more information contact us today.